A Time to Rest & Integrate
It feels like we’ve all hit our max for 2023 and we’re ready to slide into a season of rest.
Do you feel it too?
Before we’re all inundated with unsolicited advice on how to “start the New Year right,” I’m here to encourage your slowdown…
To help you say YES! to rest and integration.
You’ve come so far
Whether you’ve been putting in long hours, or been on the hunt for more meaningful work, you accomplished an extraordinary amount this year.
You spearheded countless conversations.
You ran thousands of little experiments.
You arrived at hundreds of conclusions.
You carried your world on your shoulders, and you kept on moving!
But if you still hear the voice in your head asking, “what’s next?” It's because you've been well-trained to...
more than Appreciate
more than Savor
So before the clock starts on a whole new calendar year, I encourage you to embrace the slow down, appreciate how far you’ve come, and really savor all you've learned.
All you’ve learned
In many ways, 2023 really kicked my butt, but it also taught me A LOT.
2023 taught me that I am a highly sensitive person, and the energy I tune into (or tune out) influences the quality of my experiences.
So managing my energy is now priority #1
2023 taught me that everyone is craving a deeper sense of connection - whether it’s to their own hidden potential, their team, or their work in the wider world.
So deepening connections makes every workday more impactful and gratifying
2023 taught me that my work is part of a seismic, cultural shift - a revolution that’s underway - away from systems of command and control and towards systems rooted in connection, empathy, and collaboration.
So I must acknowledge this shift and keep making room for it
I learned about 99 other things too, but these are the three lessons I can't unlearn - and I don't want to! - because they will help me tune out the noise and make more empowered choices in 2024.
So, what has 2023 taught you?
Rest & Integrate
In these final weeks of December, I invite you to make a cup of tea, wrap yourself in a blanket, and rest with one of these big questions…
1. What useful truths about myself did I uncover this year?
2. WhAT INTERACTIONS elevated my confidence and creativity?
3. What paradigm shift did I detect AND WANT TO KEEP investigating?
See if you can let your answers arrive and land without judgement.
Savor each one as if it were a snowflake, here to inspire and strengthen you for whatever comes next.