A Healthy Ego Makes All the Difference
Every client I take on is craving a big reset in their life and career.
Every client I take on wants to reclaim their time and energy, and feel more impactful.
And every client I take on has ego stuff they do not want to look at.
When did ego become a ‘bad’ word?
In our culture, ego is bad word.
It’s often used to describe founders, CEOs, and other high-profile leaders. It is used interchangeably with words like “selfish” and “arrogant,” and “Elon Musk.”
If you are anything like my clients, you dread being described in such terms, however, you may also be missing out on a version of ego that could help you build the life and career you really want.
What is a ‘healthy’ ego?
Ego is a Latin term for ‘I’ or one’s core sense of self that exists in relation to, and distinct from, others.
Its origins are neither good, nor bad.
From your earliest years, your ego has been imprinted, shaped and biased by caregivers, friends, teachers, teammates, bosses, and mentors.
By the time you approach 40, it can be hard to differentiate between what others think and what you think; what others need from you and what you need...but a ‘healthy’ ego can tell the difference.
‘Healthy’ ego is a combination of positive self-concept + sturdy self-belief
It can tell the difference between selfishness and self-respect.
It can strengthen key relationships and attract new people to you.
It can help you access your higher (strategic) purpose.
And, most importantly, it can help you regulate emotions like fear, anger, and shame, because it can tell the difference between real risk and perceived [social] risk.
What could you achieve with a healthier ego?
How much TIME would you save if you no longer worried about being judged?
How much more ENERGY would you have if you prioritized your needs without guilt or shame?
How much more IMPACT could you have over the course of your career if your purpose was crystal clear?
Every client who works with me learns the value of looking inward with radical honesty.
Every client who works with me constructs a healthier self-concept and self-belief.
And every client I work with builds their leadership strategy on a healthier foundation.
If you want to reclaim your time, energy, and confidence to become a more impactful leader, book a session with me, or add your name to the list for my small group Alignment Coaching program - coming January 2023!