Healthy Ego Work: Edit Your Experiences
What is one messy experience you keep repeating?
Perhaps it’s tolerating a job that is incongruent with the career you hoped to create for yourself…
Perhaps it’s some unproductive habit that keeps pushing out your timeline to make a big change…
Some other examples…
Consistently working 2x harder than your closest colleagues.
Chronically avoiding difficult conversations with your people.
Staying in a job that no longer inspires you, or lacks upward potential.
The process of editing your experiences starts simply.
Step 1: Choose one experience to focus on.
Step 2: Start by asking yourself:
How does this experience make me feel?
Can I name the emotion?
If you want some help naming the emotion, this EQ resource is really useful.
Step 3: If you can name the emotion, ask yourself:
If I keep repeating this experience, what am I even more inclined to believe about myself?
Step 4: If you find that the experience-emotion-belief cycle is undermining your ego, ask yourself:
What kind of experience(s) would support me in becoming the leader I aspire to be, for myself and my people?
What do 2-3 of those experiences look like?
Step 5: Once you picture those different experiences, ask yourself:
Am I willing to give myself one of those experiences?
Yes, one is enough plenty to start with!
Step 6: Give yourself that experience. Do it in the moment or put it on your calendar in the next week* and notice what new relationships and beliefs become available to you as a result.
By setting a date and time in the near future you make the new experience ‘stickier.’ And if you need extra motivation, ask a colleague or loved one for some and/or accountability!
COACH’S NOTE: If giving yourself that different experience feels like a BIG or ‘selfish’ step, I strongly recommend you break it in to smaller, simpler parts. Make it bite sized!