Stumbling Upon Your Genius

A few weeks ago, I caught up with my good friend, Dr. Jake Tuber (not pictured above).

I’ve known Jake for more than a decade and he also happens to be a phenomenal coach. (Seriously, look him up!)

Jake and I exchanged musings on parenting, career development, and the state of work today. At one point he paid me a compliment, as old friends sometimes do, and I deflected it with laughter. (Mature, I know...)

In 15 seconds or less, Jake identified something I do quite well; something that’s distinctive and makes me fun to work with; and something that comes so naturally to me it never feels like work!

Jake’s compliment was critically important, not because it made me feel good, but because it helped me distinguish my 'zone of genius.'

And guess what? You have one too!

Now, if the word ’genius’ makes you roll your eyes, I am right there with you...but drawing a line between what you do brilliantly and effortlessly, and pretty much everything else, has the power to transform the way you work and the way you lead!

Your 'zone of genius' is one of four zones:

  • In your 'zone of incompetence'...your work is unskilled and substandard, and requires a fair amount of effort and energy.

  • In your 'zone of competence'...your work is satisfactory but inefficient, and indistinguishable from others.'

  • In your 'zone of excellence'...your work is often described as 'your talent.' It is effortful and impactful, but only after extensive study and practice.

  • In your 'zone of genius' capitalize on your innate gifts. Your work is intuitive and effortless. It moves things forward and makes you stand out.

Leading with your 'genius' means distinguishing it from everything else you do. It means taking responsibility for it, prioritizing it, and getting creative with it.

When you do this, you not only simplify your work for yourself, you also demonstrate self awareness and self command.

And because you are exquisitely aware of who you are and how you can help, people are drawn to you and they appreciate you.

If working in this way sounds appealing, it's time you identified your 'zone of genius.'


How to Identify Your Zone of Genius


How to Pause Like a Positive Leader