The Power of a Clear and Coherent Vision

My husband and I recently met with an architect to share our vision for a future family home.

“We’re interested in a spin on Nordic modern, with a warmer palette and loads of windows to maximize natural light…” we blathered with unqualified confidence.

The architect graciously replied, “Can you share some pictures with me?”

Of course, we had a few ready because we’d been geeking out on the idea of building a home for years, but it wasn’t until we were asked to share them that I realized just how under-defined and incoherent all our ‘great' ideas still were.


Over the last seven years, I’ve conducted hundreds of Strategy sessions with high-performers driven by what they thought were clear visions.

“I want to find a different job, a better job - one that feels less exploitative and allows me to have more of a voice in the kind of projects we take on.” -A

“I want to scale this business and turn it into something incredible, but I need my team to stop coming to me for everything and start showing me they want it as much as I do.” -B

“I need to get to a place where I can make more tough calls and big decisions without worrying what others will say about me.” -Z

But while such aspirations sound noble, strategic, and self-aware, they lack a clear, coherent, and compelling vision.


A clear vision is a picture with details—lots of them! It includes vivid colors and evocative imagery, symbols, or specific vignettes that capture your attention because they feel personal and meaningful.

A coherent vision is a picture that illustrates what is and what could be, that holds an inherent tension that inspires action - the pursuit of thoughts, feelings, or experiences that make you feel more like an agent of good change.

A compelling vision is a picture that integrates ALL of these elements and doesn’t just come alive for you; it comes alive for others, too!

…and that’s how you know it’s worth fighting for.


So, if you feel especially scattered or overwhelmed this fall and want to refocus on the work that makes you (and others) come alive, I recommend upgrading your vision.

Here are a few questions to help you get started:

  • What changes or opportunities are you still willing to fight for?

  • What vivid details will show you that you’re on the right track?

  • What constraints and opportunities can you still integrate?

  • What else will make your vision really come alive, for you and whoever you choose to share it with?


Please don’t tolerate another hectic fall of supporting everyone else’s vision while neglecting your own, book a Strategy Session with me.


How to Sustain High Performance