What’s calling you?

If you attached yourself to a smattering of resolutions at the start of this year, or attempted to resurrect resolutions you didn’t keep last year, you are in good company! 

I am not a fan of New Year's resolutions because they tend to yield a smattering of little disappointments, but the #1 reason resolutions fail is because they fail to inspire. 

The word inspire comes from the Latin word inspirare: “to breathe into,” but a more vivid translation is “a little gasp,” that breath you take when awe and fear show up at the same time.

If you intend to lead positive change this year - whether it is in your life, your organization or your industry - start by paying attention to which bigger ideas actually make you gasp a little.  Listen for that voice inside your head that says, “oh, that would be incredible…but how could I possibly...?” 

Those are your callings.

A calling is a profound need or problem-worth-solving that doesn’t just make you think something, it makes you feel something.  The feeling might be passion or it might be huge resistance.  The feeling might be the sense of flow that shows up when you are living in alignment with your values, or it might be a premature sense of inadequacy, an inner-monologue that you are not yet the person you need to be to do it. 

No matter what feeling shows up, the intensity of it points to a calling that’s worthy of your attention.

Join me in starting over this month.  Let go of those small “I should really stop doing…” or “I want to start…” resolutions, and pay attention to the biggest idea that calls you forth into uncharted territory, as a professional, as a person, and as a leader.


Here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What's one big idea that makes you gasp a little?

  • What work isn't happening in the world, but you know should be

  • What calling(s) have you been ignoring or hiding from?

It doesn’t matter if others deem your calling “realistic,” “frivolous,” or even “worthwhile.”  No matter what calls you, it should feel like yours.  Because when the simplest daydream of doing it, pursuing it, or being in the midst of it makes you feel inspired, you are on to something!

To read more on the subject of callings, check out Tara Mohr’s phenomenal 2014 book, Playing Big.


Heed Your Calling like Dr. Seuss


Your ‘Enough’ Criteria