Thoughts from the ledge
Timely musings to help you navigate the peaks and valleys of your career journey.
9 Ways to Break Through a Culture of Fear
If you and your co-workers are finding it hard to feel secure at work - especially when pressure to innovate, sell, and prove your worth has never been higher! - you are not alone. To help you, I created this leadership behavior cheatsheet to help you break through a culture of fear inside your organization and elevate your team’s performance at the same time.
How to Survive Extraordinary Transitions
Watching someone you love navigate change is hard, and initiating it yourself is even harder - so whether you are preparing for a disruptive career move, or planning to shake things up at the highest level of your organization - I can tell you that good change is absolutely achievable when you dedicate yourself to three powerful priorities.
…and this may shock you, but none of them are about nailing the time, budget, or plan just perfectly!
How to Lead in the New AI Economy
As we step forward into the “relationship economy” - an new era of work supported by adaptive AI technologies - it's increasingly clear that human skills like interpersonal communication, customer engagement, and collaborative leadership will be needed to help us all stay engaged and collaborating on increasingly complex challenges.