I am a Guide. What are You?

Are you a Builder? A Healer?

A Visionary?  

I recently came across the powerful work of Deepa Iyer: a remarkable writer, lawyer, activist and trainer.

Like so many of us, Deepa wears many hats.

She currently leads projects on solidarity and social movements at the Building Movement Project, a national nonprofit organization that catalyzes social change.

In 2017, she developed a framework called the Social Change Ecosystem Map, a tool that identifies 10 roles people and organizations show up in when they are responding to crises, participating in social change movements, or organizing collectively to accelerate positive change.

If you aspire to lead others and do impactful work, but can’t quite put your finger on the kind of leader you truly are, this framework is extremely helpful.

Check out her site to learn more about each change leadership role.

It helped me embrace the fact that I am a Guide, first and foremost, as well as a Storyteller, a Healer, and a Weaver!

You just might stumble upon information that affirms who you (already) are and how important that is!


Take Only What Serves You


100% Pure You