Take Only What Serves You
Way back, when my husband and I were still dating, we gave each other permission to go on solo adventures…
A cross-country bike ride for him…
A trek across Spain for me…
A wilderness medicine training for him…
A year of overseas work for me.
We spent countless nights packing and repacking bags on the floor of our tiny New York City apartment.
One of us would pack and one of us (not me!) would pontificate about all the ways to pack lighter and smarter. And I recall at least one monologue on the practicality of cutting a toothbrush in half to cut weight!
Now, I’m a whole toothbrush kind of person, but he was right about something!
When you take only what serves you, and let the rest go, moving forward becomes easier.
Winter is the season for letting go of what no longer serves us. You don’t need to take my word for it, just look outside!
So in this final week of 2022, I invite you to join me in an editing exercise - a deep unpacking and repacking sequence - that reaches far deeper than any year-end list and empowers you far more than any new year’s resolution.