Unpacking & Repacking

Looking back on an entire year can bring up a wild array of thoughts and emotions! It’s foolish to think that anyone could process them all…

So here’s some good news: You don’t have to.

In this final week of 2022, I offer some playful and powerful prompts to help you ‘lighten your load’ so you can feel lighter, work smarter, and lead your way into 2023.

Below is a simple exercise is designed to help you:

  • Look back with appreciation for how far you’ve come

  • Let go of the tangibles and intangibles that no longer serve you

  • Move forward with discernment about what is worth carrying into the new year. 

Ready? Here we go…

2022 was transformational in many ways…

Looking back, it was my year of _________.

I surprised myself when I _________,

And I felt especially proud of the way I helped others _________.

I became a _________ version of myself. 

But I can also acknowledge that… 

I gave a disproportionate amount of my time and energy to _________.

I became overly reliant on _________.

And these choices often left me feeling _________,

Probably because I held too tightly to the belief that _________.

To make 2023 lighter, smarter, and easier, for myself and others…

I am ready to let go of _________. 

And I can stop _________.

Because I am no longer someone who _________.

To keep moving forward with courage and confidence…

I will hold on to _________.

And I will keep _________,

Because I am still becoming someone who _________.


Stop Trying to be Talented


Take Only What Serves You